X-Port Services

Air Freight

Immediate Solutions For Your Unexpected Circumstances

Many companies face unforeseen situations when it is not possible to deliver the goods on time. We understand the importance in these cases of properly planning and delivering timely delivery, regardless of the nuances that may arise.

In such situations, our extensive experience with air travel and air travel services will be indispensable. You can undoubtedly trust us to work with your most important items and not worry about the end result. We also offer fast ground handling solutions that can be implemented both independently of the air cargo service and in the complex. Our experience and individual approach to each client allows us to turn your critical situations into immediate decisions with the best result for you.

Tell us what you need and our specialist team will deliver it personally, taking care of all the procedures involved in the air freight process.

Our teams work around the clock to take care of any unexpected circumstances in which speed is a top priority. We offer a variety of ways to reduce transit times, coordinate and arrange immediate deliveries in the shortest time possible, ideal for both regular and single shipments.

Our Services & Expert Approach

Our experts are always ready to provide competent consultation and help you to find the best solution in your special situation. But that`s not all. Our coordinators ensure that each departure is timely and scheduled, from departure to arrival, focusing on your options, evaluating the best price combinations and keeping you informed. We offer more than just air freight, we help your business maintain the trust of your customers and build a strong business partnership that will last long after your cargo is delivered.

Logistics Services

Have Additional Questions? Contact One of Our Agents!

In-State Phone:

+(908)-862 6228

US Phone:

+1-800-345 1996

Here to Help Your Business Need

Stop worrying about any shipping problems. Focus on your business. Let us provide the support you deserve.